Make your processes 25x faster with smarter inventory management!
Do you know the differences between RFID and barcode?
Do you know the differences between RFID and barcode?
Both are identification technologies, but the first is more advanced and has less limitations than the latter, although one doesn´t replace the other. They can even complement each other in your business.
RFID provides greater efficiency and offers greater speed in capturing information. Barcode, on the other hand, demands less investment and has been in the market for longer.
Everything will depend on your necessities and your expectations regarding customer experience.
For example, in retail, an RFID-based system can achieve inventory accuracy rates above 99%, thus enabling a drastic reduction of stockouts in the shop floor, generating high potential for sales increase.
If you are interested in this technology, Beotnag has a dedicated team who works at specific solutions for your business.